Diagnose Varicose Veins

For How Long Do Varicose Veins Last?

Varicose veins that develop during pregnancy will generally disappear on their own two to three weeks following the birth of the child. Many people wonders Do Spider Veins Come Back After Laser Treatment? After laser therapy, varicose veins may recur in some persons.

The treated veins won't return, but a new varicose vein can develop on a different part of your leg. There's no permanent cure for varicose veins. But there are treatments to reduce their appearance and prevent new varicose veins from developing.

What are the complications and risks of having varicose veins?

If you leave these veins untreated, varicose veins can result in open sores called ulcers, bleeding, and skin discoloration. A chronic venous insufficiency may be present if there are severe varicose veins. This disorder impacts the ability of your veins to pump blood to your heart, and blood clots may be more likely to develop in people with varicose veins.

It's critical to let your Vein specialist know if you have varicose veins. If you don't know what is a Vein Specialist Called, a vain specialist is called a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. To assess and keep track of any clotting issues, your doctor should is:

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

A blood clot in a vein deep within your body is more likely to occur in people with varicose veins.

Superficial thrombophlebitis

Blood clots in varicose veins can lead to a disorder known as superficial thrombophlebitis or superficial venous thrombosis. Although unpleasant, thrombophlebitis rarely threatens the health, and you can also treat it.

Pulmonary Embolism

A blood clot in your body, typically resulting from DVT, can lodge in your lung and cause a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a potentially dangerous or fatal ailment that you must treat immediately.

What should we consult with our vein specialist about varicose veins?

Even though varicose veins are typically not harmful, you should still get an examination from your doctor. Treatments may be helpful if you're self-conscious about the appearance of your varicose veins. The skin or veins should be examined by your doctor as soon as possible if they are:

  • Bleeding.
  • Discolored.
  • Red, uncomfortable, or heated to the touch.
  • Swollen.

Numerous people suffer from these varicose veins. Varicose veins generally don't have a significant negative impact on health. Changes in lifestyle and DIY cures can alleviate symptoms and stop them from growing worse.

What causes problematic varicose veins?

When the walls of your veins decrease or deteriorate, varicose veins develop. The weaker vein walls allow it to expand as blood pressure rises within it. The valves in your vein that keep blood flowing in one direction can't function properly as your vein stretches. Slow-moving blood collects or pools in your vein, causing your veins to twist, enlarge, and bulge.

Cain valves and walls can become weak for several reasons, including

  • Aging process
  • Hormones
  • Restrictive clothing
  • The pressure inside the vein for long periods
  • Excess weight


We hope the above article may help you understand more valuable details regarding Varicose veins and their treatment. For further information regarding varicose veins, please visit veintreatmentli.com.

Article Source : https://www.hugotips.com/for-how-long-do-varicose-veins-last/

How To Know If You Require A Varicose Vein Treatment
What Are Varicose Veins And Spider Veins 1

How Do Vain Specialists Diagnose Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins close to the skin's surface. The varicose veins most frequently affect the Leg veins, and it is because standing and walking put more strain on the lower body's veins. Varicose and spider veins, a minor variety of varicose veins, are frequently only an aesthetic concern for many people. Others may have aching pain and discomfort from varicose veins. Varicose veins can occasionally result in more severe issues. If you are worried about how your veins look and if the self-care measures fail to help, then it is best to visit a vein doctor. If you don't know what is a vein doctor called, a vein doctor is called a vein specialist or phlebologist. A vein specialist will diagnose and treat your varicose veins.

Diagnosis and tests for varicose veins


During your physical examination, your vein specialist will examine for swelling in your legs while standing. Your vein expert might also ask you to detail any leg pain and discomfort.


A doctor may advise a venous Doppler ultrasonography test of the leg to identify varicose veins. A non-invasive Doppler ultrasonography procedure employs sound waves to examine blood flow through vein valves. They can use ultrasound of the leg to find blood clots.In this test, medical professional rubs a small, hand-held instrument against the skin over the body part being checked. The transducer instrument is approximately the size of a bar of soap. The monitor displays the results after receiving images of the legs' veins.

What are the effective treatment options for varicose veins?

Several treatment measures for varicose veins include self-care, compression stockings, surgery, and other procedures. If you are interested to know What is the latest treatment for varicose veins, then the answer would probably be laser treatment. They perform these varicose vein treatments as outpatient procedures, so you typically return home the same day.You can treat the mild or moderate veins with the help of compression stockings, exercises, and other self-care measures. But if your varicose veins are more severe, and the self-care treatments fail to treat them, then a vein specialist will recommend surgery or other procedures such as


A medical professional injects a solution or foam into the varicose veins to scar and shut them. The treated varicose veins should disappear in a few weeks, so there may be a need for multiple injections into the same vein. Sclerotherapy can occur at a vein specialist's office without using an anesthetic.

Laser treatment

Intense light bursts from laser therapy cause the vein to deteriorate and vanish slowly. No need for cuts or needles. If your varicose veins are painful, irritated, red, and swollen, your doctor might also recommend laser surgery (inflamed). Doctors may also suggest laser surgery if the skin around your varicose veins becomes inflamed.


We hope the above-provided information will help you learn more about varicose vein treatment. The above article highlights the treatments for varicose veins. For further informative details, please visit veintreatmentli.com.