What Are the Home Treatments or Remedies for
What Are The Earlier Signs and Symptoms Of Varicose Veins?

For many people, varicose veins are just a cosmetic issue, but they can be a severe issue for some people. By looking at the symptoms of varicose veins, you can tell whether they are severe or cosmetic. Symptoms of varicose veins may indicate Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).

Some of the symptoms of varicose veins are:

Swollen feet

You may risk developing varicose veins if your feet and ankles are swelling.If you notice this regularly, it can be a problem. If it happens once, you may not need to worry about it. It’s likely an early warning sign if it swells daily.

Achy legs

If your legs ache a lot after walking or performing physical activities, you may have concerns to look for. Varicose veins can occur if you have achy legs.

Spots on lower legs

Check for red spots on your legs. If you notice swelling in your legs, red spots indicate that you may have varicose veins. It might be an early sign of varicose veins. Talk to your doctor and treat them soon, as the blood vessels in your legs may have weakened and can burst.

Diagnosis and treatment

To check the blood flow in the veins is proper, your doctor may diagnose with an ultrasound; treating varicose veins can help reduce the chance of new varicose veins. Your doctor may suggest some changes to cure the varicose veins, like changes in lifestyle, such as losing weight if you’re overweight.Exercise and elevate your legs to help the blood flow quickly. Your doctor will provide you with compression stockings to squeeze the veins. There are many treatments available to treat varicose veins.Treating varicose veins early can lead to more superficial treatments. If left untreated, it can cause pain and other symptoms. Generally, varicose veins can also develop on other parts of the body but usually appear in the legs.You do not feel pain in all varicose veins; it is likely to feel pain in only one vein. Varicose veins are identical to spider veins, but you can see differences in appearance, varicose veins, are enlarged veins.

Is it worth getting varicose veins removed?

Is it worth getting varicose veins removed? Maybe yes, when it is getting more severe, because all varicose veins do not need treatment. Some varicose veins can be cured easily by daily exercise and wearing compression stockings. If your varicose veins are not rendering you discomfort and pain, you may not need to have treatment, but make sure to treat them. Treatment of varicose veins is only essential to ease the symptoms; if your varicose veins are causing you pain or discomfort, you need treatment for it.


Treating varicose veins on time can heal them early and saves your cost. Visit your surgeon if you feel pain and discomfort. When to see a vascular doctor? The best time to see a vascular specialist is when you see the symptoms of vein disease. You should treat them rather than leave them untreated.

Article Source : https://www.wellbeingcares.com/what-are-the-earlier-signs-and-symptoms-of-varicose-veins/

How to Treat Varicose Veins Without Surgery?

Nowadays, it is common to have vein disease. Every three adults over 45 develop a kind of vein disease. You must treat the condition if you are experiencing signs like discoloration, pain, discomfort, or leg ulcers. All of these can be a reason to have a varicose vein.
Treat varicose veins at a time to avoid more severe complications. As soon as you see any symptoms get to your doctor immediately and take the medications.

Maybe you are thinking, "what kind of doctor treats veins?" "or what kind of specialist treats varicose veins" the specialist diagnoses, treats, and treats disorders in your arteries, veins, or blood vessels. They treat a range of health concerns, from spider and varicose veins.

Your surgeon may provide you with compression stockings in the beginning to encourage blood flow and will avoid the other treatment procedures. Suppose the compression stockings do not show any result and do not provide any relief to the legs. In that case, your surgeon will opt for another option.

Because compression therapy is the most conservative treatment option for treating varicose veins, compression stockings are designed to apply constant pressure to the legs to alleviate pain, discomfort, and swelling and do not require any prescription. Doing exercise can also benefit a lot. These minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins without surgery are:


Sclerotherapy can be done in a doctor's office no need to stay up in the hospital for large incisions for varicose veins treatment. The surgeon injects a liquid or foam sclerosing agent with a chemical solution into the affected veins. This procedure makes the veins disappear and allows them to vanish safely. You get relief from uncomfortable pain and discomfort. The varicose vein collapses.This procedure takes less time, almost 15 to half an hour, to complete depending on the condition of the varicose vein. The recovery time is also minimal. It can treat mild to moderate varicose veins and improve the veins' appearance.

Radiofrequency Ablation

In this procedure, a thin catheter is inserted in the affected veins, and your doctor will give a small prick to the skin where the skin is affected. This does not leave scars on the skin. This procedure needs just a needle stick to vanish the varicose veins. The catheter is placed under the presence of ultrasound guidance. Then the radiofrequency energy is delivered to the veins inside the skin, sealing the veins closed. You may have minor swelling and bruising on the treated area.

This procedure takes the same time as sclerotherapy, half an hour to complete the process. This procedure can be a good option for people with mild to moderate varicose veins and those needing relief from enlarged veins pooled with blood.

Microfoam Ablation

This procedure best suits enlarged varicose veins and are another minimally intrusive way to treat varicose veins. It treats larger varicose veins issues.During this process, your doctor will insinuate a special microfoam where the veins are affected to provide you relief in varicose veins symptoms without heat or tumescent.
The foam fills the selected section of the vein with the foam, making the varicose veins collapse.


These methods can give you relief from varicose veins if you treat them on time. When the surgeon removes or vanishes these diseased veins, the blood flow moves to the healthier veins nearby.

Article Source : https://www.healthymindz.com/how-to-treat-varicose-veins-without-surgery/

What Do Veins Doctors Do?

What Are the Home Treatments or Remedies for Varicose Veins?

What is a varicose vein specialist called? Veins play a vital role in a healthy circulatory system. Imagine you have swollen, a reddish ugly vein in your legs causing pain & discomfort. Such conditions may affect your work & personal life. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a vein doctor to relieve the symptoms of varicose or spider veins. What doctor treats varicose veins? Vascular surgeons are highly trained and experienced in treating the circulatory system.

If you’re suffering from varicose veins, you can try some home remedies; here are some conditions and symptoms:


Regular exercise and yoga encourage better blood flow in your legs and, as a result, push the blood back to the heart. Exercise also helps to control or lower a person’s blood pressure. Low-impact exercises also help to get calf muscles without excessive strains on your body; here are some low-impact exercises:
  • swimming
  • walking
  • cycling
  • yoga

Compression stockings

Wearing compression stockings will help apply pressure to your legs while aiding your muscles and veins to throw the blood towards the heart. These are available in most pharmacies, and this compression will help to reduce swelling and pain around the legs.

Plant extracts

According to reliable studies, horse chestnut extract may help reduce pain, heaviness, and itching during varicose veins and in people with chronic venous insufficiency.Sea pine extract, pinus Maritima and butcher’s broom extract, called Ruscus aculeatus, may also reduce leg swelling and itching associated with varicose veins. Plants extract and essential oils solution should be diluted before applying.

Dietary changes

Your diet should include high Potassium substances food, such as almonds and pistachio nuts, which can help to reduce water retention in the body and result in healthy veins. Salty or sodium-rich foods can help to reduce the varicose veins problem by retaining water, so cutting down on salty food can eliminate water retention. Foods high in sodium-potassium can help to reduce water retention.

Foods that are high in sodium-potassium include:

  • Almonds and pistachio nuts
  • Lentils, potatoes, and white beans
  • leafy vegetables
  • some fish, such as salmon and tuna
Foods with high fiber can help keep the bowels moving and restrict constipation.

Eat more flavonoids

You should add food containing flavonoids that may help people reduce swelling and shrink their varicose veins. Flavonoids will help to improve blood circulation and help to lower blood pressure in the arteries and relaxed vessels.

Flavonoids-rich including:

  • Vegetables, including onions, peppers, spinach, and broccoli
  • Citrus acid fruits and grapes, cherries, apples, and blueberries
  • Cocoa and garlic

Herbal remedies

According to a reliable source, grape seeds may help to reduce swelling in the legs and other chronic venous insufficiencies. There is currently little evidence for its effectiveness. If your doctor prescribes blood-thinning medication, you should immediately avoid grapes seed extract as a supplement. It reacts with medicines and increases the chance of bleeding.

Choose non-restrictive clothing

You should wear loose clothes so they can help in the circulation of blood and significantly lower body clothes and shoes. Wearing flat shoes instead of high heels may help to heal your varicose veins.

Keep the legs elevated

You should avoid sitting or standing for long periods. If a person has to sit for long periods for work, they should move their legs and flex or change their position frequently to help circulation in blood flow. If you do exercise, that will help to keep your legs elevated, at the same height as the heart will help in good blood circulation. This reduces the blood pressure by taking the help of gravitational force.